Hypnotherapy Can Help With Weight Management

Hypnotherapy has garnered attention as a potentially effective approach for weight loss by addressing the psychological factors that often contribute to unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. This method leverages the power of suggestion and mental conditioning to reshape our subconscious mindset toward food, habits, comfort, how to respond to stress, and self-image.

How Hypnotherapy Helps with Weight Loss

  1. Changing Mindset and Behaviour: Hypnotherapy works by reaching the subconscious mind, which governs many of our automatic behaviours and responses. Through guided hypnosis sessions, individuals can alter their ingrained habits and beliefs about food and exercise. This process can instill a more positive self-image and reinforce the motivation to adopt healthier behaviours.
  2. Reducing Stress and Emotional Eating: Many people struggle with weight due to stress-induced or emotional eating. Hypnotherapy can help manage stress and reduce reliance on food as a coping mechanism. By promoting relaxation and mindfulness, hypnotherapy empowers individuals to deal with their emotions in healthier ways.
  3. Boosting Self-Control and Confidence: Hypnotherapy enhances self-discipline and confidence, which are crucial for adhering to a weight loss plan. By visualising success and overcoming psychological barriers, individuals are more likely to stick to their goals and make sustainable lifestyle changes.

Hypnotherapy – A Mindset Approach

Adopting a mindset approach to weight loss through hypnotherapy means focusing on the underlying thoughts and attitudes that drive behaviour. Instead of merely addressing the symptoms, such as overeating, this method aims to transform the mental framework that leads to unhealthy choices. By aligning the subconscious mind with conscious goals, individuals can achieve a harmonious balance that supports long-term weight management.

Real Life Examples

  1. “Sarah’s” Journey to a Healthier Life: Sarah had struggled with weight for years, trying various diets without success. After starting hypnotherapy, she realised her overeating was linked to stress from work. Through hypnotherapy, she learned to manage her stress without resorting to food. Over several months, Sarah lost significant weight and found a new sense of control over her life.
  2. “Mark’s” Transformation: Mark had a lifelong battle with obesity and lacked confidence in his ability to lose weight. Hypnotherapy sessions helped him visualise his desired outcomes and reinforced his belief in his ability to change. This mental shift empowered Mark to follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly, leading to substantial weight loss and improved self-esteem.
  3. “Linda’s” Emotional Breakthrough: Linda used food as a comfort during emotional turmoil, leading to weight gain. Hypnotherapy helped her resolve the root causes of her emotional eating. By addressing these issues and adopting healthier coping mechanisms, Linda was able to lose weight and maintain her progress.

Hypnotherapy, by transforming the mindset, offers a profound approach to weight loss, addressing habits mind and emotions that drive our behaviours. This holistic method promotes lasting change by cultivating healthier habits and attitudes towards food and self-care.

Verification and Sources:

(Note: These references are from the year 2020 or later, because there has been a lot of important recent work.)

Hypnotherapy for overweight and obese patients: A narrative review

Hypnosis reduces food impulsivity in patients with obesity and high levels of disinhibition: HYPNODIET randomized controlled clinical trial

Does hypnosis result in greater weight loss compared to conventional approach?

Embracing Tranquility: Hypnotherapy’s Gentle Embrace for Insomnia


In the fast-paced world we inhabit, a good night’s sleep can often feel like an elusive dream. For many, the struggle with insomnia is a nightly battle that impacts not only their physical well-being but also their mental and emotional health. Amidst the plethora of remedies available, hypnotherapy stands out as a beacon of hope, offering a unique and effective approach to alleviate the grip of insomnia. Join us on a journey into the serene world of hypnotherapy, where Michael Psychotherapy unfolds the secrets to embracing tranquility and achieving restful nights.

Understanding Insomnia:

Insomnia, often characterised by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, can have profound effects on one’s quality of life. From increased stress levels to impaired cognitive function, the repercussions of insufficient sleep are far-reaching. Michael Psychotherapy recognises the intricate connection between the mind and sleep patterns, advocating for a holistic approach to address insomnia.

The Hypnotherapy Difference:

Hypnotherapy is not a mystical or mysterious process; rather, it is a therapeutic technique that taps into the power of the subconscious mind. By inducing a state of deep relaxation, hypnotherapy helps individuals access and retrain the part of the brain that holds our habits, fostering positive changes in behaviour and thought patterns. Michael Psychotherapy’s approach to hypnotherapy for insomnia is grounded in professionalism and empathy, creating a safe space for clients to explore the root causes of their sleep disturbances.

Real-Life Examples:

Let’s delve into real-life scenarios where hypnotherapy has proven to be a beacon of hope for those struggling with insomnia:

  • Case Study C’s Stress-induced Sleeplessness:
    ‘C’, a high-achieving professional, found herself caught in a cycle of stress and insomnia. The therapist employed targeted hypnotherapy sessions to help C unwind and manage stress more effectively. Through guided relaxation and positive suggestion, C experienced a significant reduction in her stress levels, paving the way for restful nights.
  • Case Study J’s Racing Thoughts:
    ‘J’, a creative mind with a penchant for overthinking, battled insomnia due to a constant stream of racing thoughts at bedtime. Tailored hypnotherapy sessions addressed the underlying anxiety and quiet the incessant mental chatter. With regular sessions, J reported a remarkable improvement in the quality and duration of his sleep.
  • Case Study E’s Sleep Anxiety:
    ‘E’, a mother of two, faced insomnia fuelled by anxiety about her daily responsibilities. The hypnotherapist employed hypnotic techniques to reframe Emma’s perception of her to-do list and instill a sense of calm. As a result, E experienced a newfound ability to relax, leading to more peaceful nights and increased energy during the day.

Michael Wheatley - hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapy, as practiced by people like myself, offers a gentle and effective approach to overcoming insomnia. By delving into the intricacies of the mind, this therapeutic modality empowers individuals to break free from the shackles of sleepless nights. As you navigate the path to tranquility, consider the transformative potential that hypnotherapy holds for a rejuvenated, restful sleep. Embrace the serenity that awaits you, and let Michael Psychotherapy guide you towards a brighter, well-rested future.


Overcoming Needle Phobia: The Transformative Power of Hypnotherapy

Welcome to Michael Psychotherapy’s blog, your go-to source for holistic mental well-being. Today, we’re delving into a common yet often debilitating fear – needle phobia – and exploring how hypnotherapy can be the key to overcoming this challenge. If you’ve ever felt a pit in your stomach at the mere thought of needles, read on to discover the life-changing potential of hypnotherapy.

Understanding Needle Phobia: Needle phobia, also known as trypanophobia, affects countless individuals worldwide. Whether it’s a fear of injections, blood draws, or even the sight of needles, this anxiety can significantly impact one’s overall health. From avoiding necessary medical procedures to missing out on vaccinations, needle phobia can be a real barrier to maintaining optimal well-being.

How Hypnotherapy Works: At Michael Psychotherapy, I use the transformative power of hypnotherapy. Contrary to common misconceptions, hypnosis is not about losing control or being unaware of your surroundings. Instead, it’s a state of focused attention that allows your mind to be more open to positive suggestions and therapeutic interventions. We can then use this state to re-program our limbic system – where phobias reside – to deaden the feelings associated with something.

Practical Examples of Hypnotherapy Success:

Michael Wheatley - hypnotherapist

  1. Fear-Free Vaccination Experience: Imagine a young professional, who had always avoided vaccinations due to an overwhelming fear of needles. As a result, she jeopardised her health by missing important immunisations. After just a few sessions of hypnotherapy, she reported feeling a newfound sense of calm and control. Her subsequent vaccination experience was calm and relaxed, and she could finally prioritise her health without the crippling fear.
  2. Anxiety-Free Blood Draw: Imagine a middle-aged man with a history of needle phobia, who needed regular blood tests to monitor a chronic condition. Each appointment filled him with dread, leading to heightened anxiety and discomfort. After undergoing hypnotherapy, he retrained his subconscious to shift his anxiety about the blood draw. The result? A calm and laid-back experience, allowing him to manage his health without the usual distress.
  3. Stress-Free Dental Procedure: Imagine a young mother, who avoided necessary dental procedures for years due to her fear of needles and injections. This avoidance led to worsening dental issues. Hypnotherapy not only helped her address her needle phobia but also provided her with coping mechanisms to stay calm during dental visits. As a result, she was able to undergo necessary dental treatments without the usual panic, contributing to improved oral health.

Conclusion: If needle phobia has been holding you back from essential medical procedures or routine health maintenance, consider the life-changing benefits of hypnotherapy. I am dedicated to helping you overcome your fears and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life. Don’t let needle phobia control your well-being – take the first step towards freedom today.

Visit www.MichaelPsychotherapy.co.uk to learn more about my hypnotherapy services and schedule your consultation. Break free from needle phobia and embrace a future of health and well-being with Michael Psychotherapy.

Transforming Lives: Harnessing the Power of Hypnotherapy to Overcome Anxiety


In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, anxiety has become an increasingly prevalent issue, affecting people from all walks of life. As we navigate the challenges of daily life, finding effective and holistic solutions to manage anxiety is crucial. One well recognised method is hypnotherapy, and in this blog, we’ll explore how hypnotherapy, such as i do at www.michaelpsychotherapy.co.uk, can be a transformative force in alleviating anxiety and improving lives.

Understanding Hypnotherapy:

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses guided relaxation and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness, often referred to as a trance. In this state, an individual’s subconscious is more open to suggestion, e.g. from their own conscious mind, making it a powerful tool to address various psychological and emotional challenges, including anxiety.

How Hypnotherapy Works for Anxiety:

Changing Negative Thought Patterns:
Through hypnotherapy, individuals can reframe negative thought patterns and replace them with positive, empowering beliefs. This shift in mindset can lead to a more optimistic outlook on life, reducing anxiety triggers and promoting emotional well-being.

Stress Reduction and Relaxation:
Hypnotherapy induces deep relaxation, helping individuals manage stress more effectively. Techniques such as visualization and guided imagery can instill a sense of calmness, teaching the mind and body to respond differently to stressors.

Addressing Root Causes:
Hypnotherapy helps individuals access their subconscious minds, and for some issues – in particular, Phobias – re-writing the feelings associated with a past event can resolve their current issues.

Real-Life Examples of Transformation:

Overcoming Social Anxiety:
Imagine a client who struggled with social anxiety, making everyday interactions a source of dread. Through hypnotherapy, they can address the underlying fear and reprogram their mind to associate social situations with positivity. Gradually, they may find themselves engaging more confidently, building meaningful connections, and enjoying social activities.

Easing Performance Anxiety:
Another powerful example is a client grappling with performance anxiety, whether in the workplace or public speaking. Hypnotherapy can help them build self-confidence, manage stress, and overcome the fear of judgment. This newfound confidence can lead to enhanced professional success and personal fulfillment.

Restoring Sleep and Reducing General Anxiety:
Chronic anxiety often disrupts sleep, creating a cycle of exhaustion and increased stress. Hypnotherapy can break this cycle by promoting deep relaxation and addressing the thoughts that interfere with sleep. Clients may experience improved sleep quality, leading to better overall mental and physical health.


Hypnotherapy, especially when guided by a skilled professional, has the potential to profoundly impact the lives of those struggling with anxiety. By delving into the subconscious mind, resolving root causes, and promoting positive changes in thought patterns, individuals can experience a transformative journey toward a calmer and fulfilling life. If anxiety has been holding you back, consider exploring the possibilities that hypnotherapy offers at www.michaelpsychotherapy.co.uk, and take the first step towards a brighter, anxiety-free future.

– Michael Wheatley
07850 106136

Michelle O’Connor, local Massage Therapist

Hi Michael’s followers,

I am Michelle O’Connor, a local Massage Therapist, and I run Resolve Massage Therapy. I’ve been asked to write a guest blog for Michael’s website, to showcase other complementary therapies that are available in the area to work alongside Michaels Services.

Before working as a Massage Therapist I had many office based jobs where I was left feeling stressed and unsatisfied, I decided I wanted to train in massage where I was helping people. I’ve been qualified now since 2013 and bring a wealth of training and experience in massage and facials to my treatments.

My treatments take place in my cosy garden cabin in Clanfield. You can choose from various options such as Sports Massage for rehabilitation and injury prevention, Deep Tissue Massage for muscle tension relief, Relaxation Massage for stress, tension, and general relaxation, Pregnancy Massage for prenatal aches and pain, and relaxation, Natural Face Lift Massage for anti-aging, and most recently, I’ve introduced Luxury skin care Facials, offering the next level of self-care for the skin and a wellbeing reset. I take a holistic approach to each treatment, tailoring them to your specific needs and comfort levels. Booking is made easy through My Booking System.

Do you know the benefits of massage?

While you may be familiar with the more physical benefits like tension relief and injury prevention, the most proven benefits are actually psychological. Massage can help reduce the release of the stress hormone cortisol and encourage the release of “feel-good hormones” such as serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine, resulting in the reduction of anxiety, fatigue, stress, and improved mental health. Some say that an hour spent having a massage is like an hour-long hug, benefiting from the comforting touch of the massage.
There are many other advantages to regular massage, including improved circulation, skin condition, body awareness, and balance.

If you would like to know more about the therapies I provide or need guidance on the best massage type for your needs, I would be happy to discuss this with you. Feel free to email me at resolvemassagetherapy33@outlook.com . Additionally, you can find lots of information on my website www.resolvemassagetherapy.com to help you decide what to book.

Thank you,

Michelle O’Connor

Guest Post – Orchard Holistic – Massage Therapy

Hello! My name is Kirstyn, I’m a complementary therapist based in Waterlooville.

I was delighted to be asked to share a guest blog post (thank you Michael); to highlight other local therapies that may be of benefit to you, and which complement psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.

I’ve worked in finance for more than 20 years; however, when I was diagnosed with IBS and then lymphoedema, “wellness” and managing symptoms became a priority for me. I explored complementary therapy treatments, which subsequently ignited my passion to help others seeking relief and respite.

I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists and the Guild of Holistic Therapists. ‘Holistic’ originates from the Greek ‘holos’ (whole); therefore ‘holistic therapy’ is an umbrella term for therapies and practices that treat the entire body and the whole person, rather than curing ailments separately, as modern medicine does.

Holistic therapy aims to prevent ill health from occurring in the first place, by promoting wellbeing as the key to health and wellness. I adopt a client led approach and tailor treatments according to individual needs/requirements.

Massage is one of the best ways to reduce stress (by reducing the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone). It increases circulation and lymphatic flow and assists relaxation, both physically and mentally, whilst easing aches and pains. Massage is incorporated into every treatment I provide.

Reflexology focusses on restoring balance to the body. It promotes relaxation and helps reduce stress and tension. It can work alongside conventional medicine and help alleviate symptoms associated with a variety of conditions such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, menopause/perimenopause and digestive problems.

I’m originally from Australia and having access to nature and outdoor space is so important for my wellbeing. I wanted to create a bespoke sanctuary for clients, so in 2021 I built a treatment room in my garden (once an orchard); a space that provides a tranquil, restorative, retreat – without time constraints and ticking clocks!

If you would like further information, please get in touch, or visit my website/follow me (links below).

Kirstyn Rodger (FHT, MGHT)

Ph. 07900 910619


www.orchardholistic.co.uk @orchardholistic

Guest post – Havant Foot Clinic

I’d like to share a special featured presentation from my new friend Katrina, a podiatrist based in Havant:

Do you hate your feet?  Are you embarrassed by them?

Hello, I’m Katrina and I fix feet!  I am HCPC registered and am degree qualified to solve your foot concerns. 

Feet are usually hidden away, socks, shoes, slippers, crammed into ill-fitting shoes.

Badly fitting shoes can cause pain, rubbing and excess pressure can develop into a corn which feels like a small stone is stuck in your foot. 

Neglected and un-loved, no wonder your feet can sometimes look a bit ugly

With care and attention, you can start to feel better about your feet. 

Feet are very important and make a huge difference when they feel comfortable.

I have seen a lot of feet.  Many in real need of my care and attention.  

You do not need to feel ashamed to ask for help, no matter how bad you think your feet are, I am more than happy to take care of you. 

You can find out more by contacting me by phone: 07508 150 994 or through my webpage https://www.havantfootclinic.com , where you can also make an appointment to see me. 

My clinic is in Havant, I purely work from home after a period in the NHS and running two clinic sites.  I’m semi-retired and enjoy providing pain-free feet. 

(If you happen to have an unwanted emotional reaction about feet, then that is where I can help, to work with you to re-train that part of your mind, as desired.)

Comparisons between CBT and Solution Focused Therapy

Hello wonderful people,

I recently attended a training course about Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) – which is one of the more common types of therapy given by the NHS, e.g. of anxiety and depression, and we use some of its methods within how we work, although I hadn’t realised it before. (For example, my Workshops on Overcoming Compulsive Shopping are essentially CBT sessions squashed into miniaturised form.)

This may be very familiar to some of you, but for the rest of you, here is a brief summary:

  • What we think affects how we act and feel…
  • …what we (emotionally) feel affects what we think and do…
  • …what we do affects how we think and feel.

And all three can show up in our body, as physical feelings, which we can start to pay attention to, to learn what is going on in our subconscious.

  1. The therapist will then explain how CBT works, and explain unhelpful thinking patterns (psychoeducation),
  2. agree clear goals with the client (so that progress can be noticed- this is very important),
  3. explain that there will be “homework”,
  4. and explain that it is collaborative. As with all psychotherapy, it requires participation by the client. (Like showing someone how to use gym equipment to get fitter, it has to be the client doing the exercises in order for anything to happen.)

With practice, it is possible to train our minds to first notice unhelpful thoughts, and then learn to capture them, and question them.

But also, it is possible to choose to actively do things, and these things can affect our thoughts and feelings, towards the desired goal.

A significant difference with Solution Focused HypnoTherapy is that we don’t set any “homework” – which can be a massive relief for some clients.

But we also agree clear goals with our clients, and work towards them, and we also train our clients for helpful and positive thinking patterns – although we avoid dwelling on the unhelpful patterns a client might currently have.

Our use of trance work also allows the client to practice new behaviours in a safe place, because the limbic system – the part of the mind that generates emotional reactions to things – it can’t tell the difference between imagination and reality. As far as it’s concerned, gradual “exposure therapy” within trance is real – and the same goes for practicing actively helpful ways of thinking & responding.

So if any of you have tried CBT, I now have an understanding of what that is all about, and I’d love to find out how I can help you now!

New Workshop – Overcoming Compulsive Shopping Behaviour

I’ve very excited to announce my first online workshop, “Overcoming Compulsive Shopping Behaviour”, now available on EventBrite! 

Overcoming Compulsive Shopping Behaviour

This is two sessions set one week apart, where we’ll go over why we have this behaviour, where it’s coming from, how to interrupt it, and then longer term strategies on how to gain control of our instinctive behaviour in this regard. 

The first two are scheduled on the 14th and 21st October 2023.

It has already been very well received by my reviewer’s in the professional therapy community – thanks again to you all. 

– Michael

It’s not the events, it’s how we think about the events…

At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married or had children, while walking through a park in Berlin, encountered a girl who was crying because she had lost her favourite doll. Touched and moved by her disappointment and sadness, he helped her look for her doll.
Their search was unsuccessful.
Kafka told her he would come help her look again the next day, but they still failed to find the girl’s doll.
So, he gave her a letter, written by the doll, saying “please don’t cry. I took a trip to see the world. I will write letters to you about my adventures.”
Thus began a story which continued until the end of Kafka’s life
During their catch-ups in the park, Kafka read the letters from the doll, carefully written with all of her adventures.
Finally, after some time, Kafka decided to bring the girl’s doll back to her (he bought one). Her beloved doll had finally returned to Berlin.
“This doesn’t look like my doll at all!” said the girl.
Kafka handed her another letter in which the doll wrote, “my travels have changed me.” She hugged her new doll, and took her home
A year later, Kafka died.
When the girl had grown to adulthood, she found inside the doll (still a treasured possession) a tiny letter, signed by Kafka:
“Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return in another way.”